Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Date #5 with M2 was last night. Supposed to see a late movie. Crashed on the couch instead. Famished, we debated making a run for the border around 11pm but fatigue circumvented my need for a seven layer burrito. Somehow we've managed to reinvent ourselves from hot n' heavy movie theater maker-outers to an old married couple in just under a week. Truly remarkable.

Still like him. And, thus, still woefully short on material. Unless I take this opportunity to engage in some lighthearted public analysis vis a vis whether M2's invitation to join him in Hawaii should scare the crap out of me or not. Don't get me wrong, M2's invitation is perfectly lovely. And without a doubt, it trumps the other two travel opportunities that have presented themselves in the past few months, the first being a trip to Vegas with a guy who's middle name I didn't even know...the second being more of a hypothetical-in-the-future-maybe kind of outing taking the form of a completely insincere prediction by D (of recent debacle fame) that one of our next dates would be to the aquarium.

Given the choice of making my first venture to Sin City with a guy who I learned (in the hobbling and unforgiving morning light) didn't have ownership of all five fingers on his left hand...the aquarium with a guy who I'll never hear from again unless I develop a sudden urge to be used solely for sexual purposes...or Hawaii with a man who is quickly growing to adore me...well, the choice is fairly obvious, don't you agree?

Yet the same question keeps nagging at me: Is it too soon for him to be asking?

But what is "too soon"...really?
Is his expeditious offer a red flag that he's too eager to get too serious too quickly?
Or just a simple indication that he's really into me?
Why am I having such a difficult time with that concept?
Have I grown so accustomed to passing time in the company of boys who suffer from such overwhelming dating ineptitude that the issue with M2's offer to join him in tropical paradise isn't so much the speed with which it was presented, but the fact that the offer even exists to begin with?
Am I even remotely equipped to be in a relationship with someone if I can't seem to fight the urge to ask such inane questions?
Is this the type of debilitating internal dialogue that will inevitably be the death knell for "whatever it is M2 and I are doing" unless I can somehow manage to shut the hell up inside my head right now?

(Shutting the hell up inside my head right now.)

Date #6: tomorrow.

Monday, November 28, 2005

For Reals

As I type these first few characters, hoping that something creative or amusing or even just marginally witty eventually finds its way onto the page, said keystrokes mark the third, hopefully-not-futile attempt at today's post.

Without the drama, the bullshit, the games, the guessing, the cloaked emotions...I'm short on material, people. Getting dicked over by man-boys on a regular basis most certainly makes for far better blog fodder than the saccharine details of a blossoming love affair, though I'm pretty sure I'm willing to trade the former for the latter (and accept the subsequent editorial limitations that accompany the trade) if it means whatever's happening between me and M2 right now will continue happening.

The guy totally digs me.
He brought a bottle of really good wine and gave the Costco guy full credit.
He held my hand as we walked the 15 feet from my front door to the car.
He adamantly refused to let me pay for our beers.
He didn't presume that it was okay to spend the night (which, of course, it was).
His shoes were shiny.
He submitted to my full-scale investigation vis a vis his last relationship.
I caught him staring at me while he thought I was sleeping.
He made my bed in the morning.
Then picked up my clothes from the floor and folded them.
And then gave me like the biggest hug ever.
His eyes crinkle when he smiles.
He has a penchant for super-soft sweater vests (!!!).
And for using adolescent tactics on my neck to mark his territory.
He seems to think I'm beautiful and strong and incredible and amazing.
My dog totally has a crush on him.

And, just maybe...so do I.

Date #5: tonight.

Saturday, November 26, 2005


I'm passing the next three hours in a rather uncomfortable leather chair located in a seemingly unending concourse within an enormous, sterile and surprisingly un-busy airport smack in the middle of a midwestern, red state where half an ounce of cashews cost $6.79, wi-fi runs $9.99 and there's no Auntie Annie's anywhere to be found. This place blows.

Going on a vacation (or having to submit to any sort of forced separation) when you've just started dating someone, as I've recently learned, is a very interesting experiment. A litmus test, if you will, that can serve as a fairly effective (if not entirely failsafe) gauge of how you're both feeling about the burgeoning potential relationship.

And from the myriad text messages and nightly email exchanges during my four day sojourn into the heartland of America, M2's got it bad.

Real bad.

So bad, in fact, that he's decided his only option at this point, having shown his cards to such an astonishing extent that even this jaded and grizzled online dater can hardly believe what she's hearing (and reading), is to throw up his arms in defeat and let the proverbial chips fall where they may.

Fortunately for both of us, I like him back.

I probably won't see M2 tonight, though its going to take every ounce of strength I can muster not to summon him to my place once I finally do get home. But it will be late, I'll be tired, and let's be honest...a 10pm invite to one's abode really only means one thing, even if two people are both pretty darn sure they're on the precipice of something real. The old me wouldn't have hesitated for a minute. And maybe that's why the old me had such a bounty of recurring reasons to start this damn blog in the first place.

The great dates and the flowers and actually dating a man instead of a boy who holds my hand when we walk to the car and the pre-purchased movie tickets and the not-wondering-what-he's-thinking and the open, honest communication and the being-with-someone-who-wants-to-spend-as-much-time-with-me-as-possible and the not-doubting-his-intentions...none of it, really, can compete with tales of brooding, young 25 year olds who ride motorcycles and take me to castles or cocky Harvard MBAs who refer to my breasts not by their official anatomical term but instead by a word that rhymes with the nickname for a popular feline housepet.

Or...can it?

Date #4: tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Say Cheese

Date #3 with M2 last night. The poor fella had never experienced Thai food before (the completely homogeneous part of the country in which we live notwithstanding, how in the hell is that possible?!) so even if our pre-planned meal-time debate about creationism vs. evolution was ultimately going to render us completely unable to ever speak to one another again, at least the boy's culinary horizons would be expanded.

In the end, M2 not only appeared to very much enjoy his first foray into the realm of southeast asian cuisine, but also proved far more tolerant than expected, though as my friend G so succinctly put it, its a little disconcerting when a potential mate appears to be so entirely and wholly on board with what can only be described as a sneakily orchestrated maneuver executed by the doofus who currently runs our country to have religion taught in our public schools rather than, oh....you know...*science*! But, as they say, I digress...

After a fabulous meal, a couple of potent cocktails and some semi-inappropriate touching under the table, M2 drove me home. And as he very respectfully prepared to say goodnight to me in the car for the second consecutive occasion, he was granted the coveted invite.

And didn't leave 'til 2:30am.

Date #4, if all goes as planned, will be Saturday, upon my return from holiday travels.

Oh, and by the by, if you're out to dinner with, say, a very tall, well-dressed man who happens to have rather conservative political leanings...and after the plates are cleared, he pulls out his Sidekick and asks the closest fellow diners to take a photo of the two of you, that means he probably likes you, right?

Happy Tofurky Day, all.

Monday, November 21, 2005

I'd Quote En Vogue But Then The Title Would Be Just Far Too Long

Last night was date #2 with M2, consisting of the ever popular "we just started dating" combo of dinner and a movie.

At 6:15pm, I opened my front door to find a very tall man who was so well-dressed that I immediately felt compelled to rush into my bedroom to change out of what I'd, up until that very moment, thought was a totally appropriate ensemble for a second date on a Sunday night in my rather unfashionable mid-sized town. Sassy and casual yet sufficiently stylish to take me from any restaurant he might have selected all the way through a chilly movie theater with the possibility of some serious making out in between. Wrong. M2 rather unexpectedly forced me to step up my game last night. And happily so.

We were shown to our table and just as I started to slip off my coat, I noticed them. In a loose bundle next to the salt and pepper shakers. Flowers. Again. (Sigh)

We lingered so long at the restaurant that we never stood a chance of making the movie...the movie for which M2 had already purchased tickets. We're not talking Fandango, folks...he physically went to the box office before our date and had two actual tickets in his pocket. God, how I love a man with a plan.

In the end, we ended up settling for another flick that neither of us were too terribly excited about seeing. Good thing, that, 'cause neither of us saw too terribly much of it.

Then M2 drove me home. And even I can't believe what happened next.

I said goodnight to him in his car.
And went inside.

Date #3: tomorrow.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

What Now?

Last night was date #1 with M2.

He brought me flowers.
And held my hand.
And told me I'm beautiful.
Like a million times.

And for the first time in what can really only be described at this point as a six month long exercise in total dating futility, I believe that I may actually have a man on my hands. Not a boy. A real, live, grown-up adult male.

This, of course, means that I have no clue what comes next or how to conduct myself. Normally, the second date is the point at which I regrettably fall head over heels or the boy in question begins the sometimes-slow-and-barely-detectable-yet-more-often-than-not-extremely-expeditious progression from a seemingly normal and totally dateable individual to a complete idiot.

Any suggestions?

N.B. If things ultimately end up going sideways with M2, I will officially be on hiatus for the 2005-06 holiday season. I know, I've said it now three times before (at least) and never stuck to my guns for more than like a few days at a time, so why should this hiatus endeavor be any different than the others? I'll tell you why. Three days ago, I hid my profile on the online dating site to remain nameless. Making myself invisible is the only surefire way to stop the inflow of email communiques from boys and/or men and/or, to my horror, even the occasional woman who thinks it would be cool if we could, like, hang out. Its really quite simple, the key to this whole going-on-a-break thing. No flow = no dates = seasonal hiatus.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Back In The Saddle

Seeing as its been less than 48 hours since The D Debacle went down, you'd think the obvious choice for me at this point would be to take a break. Or perhaps throw myself headlong into attempting hiatus #4. Swear off the boys, if only for a bit, while I explore the reasons why I continue to find myself with an endless source of disappointing tales for my wee little blog.

Alas, no.

I'm meeting a new one tomorrow.

Since I seem to have cornered the market on guys with names that begin with the letters K and M, I have little choice, it seems, but to refer to him as M2.

M2 is 6'4" and played college basketball. Seems nice, smart, funny, witty. Gainfully employed. Very responsive via email. Expresses his thoughts clearly. Seems pretty interested. You know, the usual.

This, of course, means that in a matter of time, M2 will:
a) go fully and inexplicably retarded on me after a few dates that, to my untrained eye, had seemed to be rather fabulous
b) expose himself as completely and utterly emotionally unavailable
c) blow smoke up my ass about wanting a relationship when all he wants is some action
d) fail to mention that he already has a girlfriend OR
e) all of the above

You know, the usual.

(Cynical much?)

More to come.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Hate The Game

I've been played.

I had a sneaking suspicion that D was just a little too good to be true. Too smart, too witty, too well-traveled. Too conscientious when it came to calling, emailing, text messaging. Too eager to make the drive to see me. Too good at cuddling, at saying the right thing at exactly the right time yet somehow never appearing contrived or insincere.

Too good at making me believe that after almost six months of seemingly limitless bullshit, drama, annoyance and exhaustion at the hands of countless boys-who-think-they're-men, not one of whom has proven himself to be worth any of it...D was, at long last, my reward.


N.B. A hearty shout-out to my P-Town Pal, David, for reminding me this morning that no girl, (despite how cute he may be), really needs foreskin in her life. Onward!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Imminent Return

To the five people who have been diligently checking my blog over the past week, eagerly awaiting a new post or two detailing the latest developments with D and others, my deepest and most sincere apologies. My dating life has been on a temporary hold (okay, kinda) while I traveled to various points north for work and play. As I've since returned to my rainy mid-sized town, updates are forthcoming, including the next chapter in The Story of K. In the meantime, I submit a recent fave for your collective enjoyment.

From: iwinston
Date received: November 16


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The More Things Change...

We all know how the rest of that time-tested adage reads. Things constantly change yet somehow manage to stay very much the same, indeed. In layman's slash dating terms, that pretty much all boils down to the fact that I am no longer on hiatus. But not for the reason (or should I say not because of the specific boy) that one might think.

I never did have that second date with M. My crush on him, grounded pretty much entirely on my affection for M's way with the written word, fizzled out when we met in person. When you're not feelin' it, you're not feelin' it. Despite how much you really really really want to feel it. But even with that said, I was still more than willing to have a second date with M on the off-chance that I'd perhaps rushed to judgement. He had such potential...maybe if we had more time together (and a cocktail or three), I might feel differently. That date was supposed to be tonight.

Enter D.

D and I "met" about a week and a half ago through my beloved dating site to remain nameless. A week and a half ago when I was totally mid-crush with M. After exchanging some oddly entertaining email that touched on conventional topics such as the sexual suicide of males in the animal kingdom and the mechanics of his city league dodgeball team, D quickly earned his proverbial street cred. Something about him, and his words, struck me.

A few days later, during a phone call with D that nearly inspired me to recant my previously-published statement re: my vehement opposition to talking on the phone, we discussed the possibility of getting together later in the week, on Sunday. That evening, I'd be driving right past his town en route to our state's capital city where I'd be spending four days (and more importantly, four nights) on a work assignment. So it was nothing if not convenient, but if Sunday didn't work, we agreed that maybe we'd get together another night that week.

Alas, in the end, Sunday didn't work. But D called the following night and about 90 minutes after hanging up the phone, we were standing face to face in my hotel bar. Now, I'd seen a few photos, including a delightful shirtless number, so I had a pretty good sense of what I was signing on for...though he far exceeded my expectations. D is a triathlete, you see, and that is a terribly joyous thing.

I think we both sensed fairly quickly that something was going on. There was an immediate ease between us which made my patented and highly cultivated light n' breezy approach -- the one I'd so often utilized in the company of other boys because I was afraid that simply being "me" wasn't good enough or safe or okay -- immediately fall away. It just wasn't necessary with D. He was real. And therefore, I could be, too.

The bar in my crappy hotel was closing (it *was* 9:45pm, after all) so I invited him up to my room. (Sorry, Mom.) We then proceeded to spend the next three hours laying on my bed talking. And the next three hours making out.

I tried not to be too mortified when we simultaneously discovered that his legs were smoother than my own (due to the high volume of swimming and biking that he insists on doing for some inexplicable reason), but when he laughed and said that he could care less and oh by the way only an hour earlier had talked about wanting to take me to the aquarium to show me the anatomical structure of jellyfish (long story that's not nearly as boring as one might expect) and at that point we were only about an hour into our very first date not to mention he'd already touched my knee so many times that I'd lost count and he never really took his eyes off me for like the entire evening...well...you just sort of forget about the two inches of growth on your calves and roll with it.

As night turned to early, early morning, D and I admitted that neither of us wanted him to leave. I said I'd snore, he said he wouldn't care. And I believed him. We slept tangled up in one another. Awoke that way, too.

The next day, I received a text message. D said he was happy...and looking forward to seeing me later that night.

And when later that night was finally upon us, we ended up spending Date #2 sequestered in my hotel room. For the first few moments after he arrived, we briefly entertained ideas of leaving the premises but neither of us ultimately could devise a good enough reason why we'd voluntarily go someplace where public groping might be frowned upon. When D left the next morning, we said a very long, sweet goodbye...knowing that soon he was headed to LA and I to Seattle for the weekend...and that after spending two fabulous nights together, it would be a bit until we'd see one another again.

Later that morning, it was I who sent the next-day-follow-up text message. It was witty, provocative, candid, sweet and honest. It was the kind of message that, after being emotionally demolished by K earlier this summer, scared the living crap out of me to send. But his response was perfect. He even used exclamation points.

I don't know when I'll see D again but something tells me that it will be at the earliest possible opportunity once our respective travels have come to a close. Mere days, really, though right now it feels like it could be years.

As far as M is concerned, the jury just never reconvened. I may have very well rushed to judgement but at this point, I'm left with no choice, really. M is officially out.

And D is very, very much in.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Jury's Still Out

Having now met M, my supposed crush, I'm awash in feelings of confusion and indecision. I've decided to reserve judgement until we've had a second date, which will be this week. In the meantime, its good to know a girl's got options.

From: magiceyes25
Date received: November 5
Subject: hi there

just wanted to say hi, write me back for a good time

Friday, November 04, 2005

Happy Half Birthday To Me?

Tomorrow at approximately 8:30am, I will...at long last...be meeting my crush, M. Because M lives in the big city up north, we've been emailing for two weeks now with nary a face to face rendezvous of any sort. One decent phone call, though.

(As an aside, while the topic is at hand, allow me to briefly take the opportunity to share just how much I abhor the telephone as a mechanism for one-on-one communication. Why certain strains of men [okay, and probably women, too] in this day and age still insist on continuing to use this archaeic device in an attempt to approximate what a real life conversation with a potential suitor, or anyone for that matter, might be like is totally and completely beyond me. The phone sucks balls. I'd rather see whether a boy can hold his own vis a vis the written word then hear his voice any day.)


M makes me laugh.
And he's smart.
And plays banjo.

I'll be in M's fair city tomorrow for reasons entirely unrelated to him, so despite the fact that I have other pressing responsibilities later that morning and he'll be in the midst of moving into a new place, we're making time to meet. 8:30am. Coffee. 90 minutes during which time to come to terms with the painfully disappointing reality that words on a page, as it were, don't always translate to a damn thing in real life. Or, to figure out precisely how soon we can start spending as much time together as possible.

Tomorrow is also my half birthday. And while I know that most normal people stopped celebrating this so-called milestone when they turned, like, seven...I'm requesting special dispensation. Just for this year and then I promise I'll never ask again.

I want just one half-birthday wish.

Please let me like him.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

There comes a time...

...where witty/amusing titles for one's blog entries simply run dry.

From: gofar749
Date Received: November 4
Subject: What a dog

It's snowing somewere. I'd like a partner to help find it

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A GQ Man For Me (and then some)

Date received: November 2

Hi, I really wish I lived closer to you but if distance is not an issue with you I am open to anything. Who knows you could be the future love of my life. You are very stunning and have gorgeous eyes and sound very honest and forthright. I have to say the the outfits are stunning and you wear them well. I hope to hear from you soon. I am a nightowl and have a very flexible job so I can travel whenever. You just sound priceless and I would be very lucky to get a chance to know you. Here is my number or send me yours and lets start out and talk and see if we want to take a stab at it. We sound much like one another. anyway, read my profile and I assure you the pics do not give me justice due to a bad camera hence everyone who has met me in person has not been disappointed in the least
Paul [phone number removed]
PS I think talking on the phone is much easier and I would love to put a voice to such a gorgeous face

From: oilxnet
Date received: November 1
Subject: dog

do i get the dog or you on the 1st date?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

High Standards

From: 1speedisalluneed
Date received: November 1
Subject: Why is rabbit sex so quite.

Cotton balls.

That's right I used a dirty joke to get your attention. I know it's shameless. I could have been worse; like if told you the one about Frosty and the snow blower. So how recent are your pics? You know a lot can happen in 8 months. Like 50lbs or about 90% of a pregnancy. I'm not kidding. I work with a lot of Hispanic women and as soon as they get married, watch out.

A little about me, I have been referred to as fun, interesting and challenging(So what if it was my mother). I have high standards for myself and hold others to them as well. This ensures I'm surrounded my quality people who enhanced each others lives. I find the mind is the sexiest part of a woman. I'm not impressed with mere beauty alone, I am looking for someone that I can have deep and meaningful conversations.

What is your favorite kind of cheese?
Your dogs name?
What is the best adventure you have had recentley?

Seeing as we are both on here to meet someone it would be foolish for you to not right me back.

Have a great day, Doug

From: 1speedisalluneed
Date received: November 1
Subject: Thanks for your responce, Question?

Would you be so kind as you take a look at my profile and give me your honest feed back from a womans perspective. I'm new to this... Thanks again. Doug