Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Date #5 with M2 was last night. Supposed to see a late movie. Crashed on the couch instead. Famished, we debated making a run for the border around 11pm but fatigue circumvented my need for a seven layer burrito. Somehow we've managed to reinvent ourselves from hot n' heavy movie theater maker-outers to an old married couple in just under a week. Truly remarkable.

Still like him. And, thus, still woefully short on material. Unless I take this opportunity to engage in some lighthearted public analysis vis a vis whether M2's invitation to join him in Hawaii should scare the crap out of me or not. Don't get me wrong, M2's invitation is perfectly lovely. And without a doubt, it trumps the other two travel opportunities that have presented themselves in the past few months, the first being a trip to Vegas with a guy who's middle name I didn't even know...the second being more of a hypothetical-in-the-future-maybe kind of outing taking the form of a completely insincere prediction by D (of recent debacle fame) that one of our next dates would be to the aquarium.

Given the choice of making my first venture to Sin City with a guy who I learned (in the hobbling and unforgiving morning light) didn't have ownership of all five fingers on his left hand...the aquarium with a guy who I'll never hear from again unless I develop a sudden urge to be used solely for sexual purposes...or Hawaii with a man who is quickly growing to adore me...well, the choice is fairly obvious, don't you agree?

Yet the same question keeps nagging at me: Is it too soon for him to be asking?

But what is "too soon"...really?
Is his expeditious offer a red flag that he's too eager to get too serious too quickly?
Or just a simple indication that he's really into me?
Why am I having such a difficult time with that concept?
Have I grown so accustomed to passing time in the company of boys who suffer from such overwhelming dating ineptitude that the issue with M2's offer to join him in tropical paradise isn't so much the speed with which it was presented, but the fact that the offer even exists to begin with?
Am I even remotely equipped to be in a relationship with someone if I can't seem to fight the urge to ask such inane questions?
Is this the type of debilitating internal dialogue that will inevitably be the death knell for "whatever it is M2 and I are doing" unless I can somehow manage to shut the hell up inside my head right now?

(Shutting the hell up inside my head right now.)

Date #6: tomorrow.


Blogger sarainitaly said...

I believe when a guy frinds the *one* he knows it. She knows it. No games. No doubts. No jealousies. When you know, you know. If you don't, it isn't it. Have fun, and enjoy it while it lasts. If it is the one, you will know, because he will know.

Sounds like it is going great so far!

8:03 AM  
Blogger smrtygrl said...

Oh, American Girl, when did you become so wise in the ways of love...? Here's a question for you, though (add it to the 87 other ones I posed in my last post): Could he really know if I'm "the one" after just two weeks and five dates?

8:39 AM  
Blogger sarainitaly said...

Franco knew after one day with me. And look where I am now. :OD

10:51 AM  
Blogger smrtygrl said...

Don't rub it in. :)

1:59 PM  

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