Thursday, November 17, 2005

Back In The Saddle

Seeing as its been less than 48 hours since The D Debacle went down, you'd think the obvious choice for me at this point would be to take a break. Or perhaps throw myself headlong into attempting hiatus #4. Swear off the boys, if only for a bit, while I explore the reasons why I continue to find myself with an endless source of disappointing tales for my wee little blog.

Alas, no.

I'm meeting a new one tomorrow.

Since I seem to have cornered the market on guys with names that begin with the letters K and M, I have little choice, it seems, but to refer to him as M2.

M2 is 6'4" and played college basketball. Seems nice, smart, funny, witty. Gainfully employed. Very responsive via email. Expresses his thoughts clearly. Seems pretty interested. You know, the usual.

This, of course, means that in a matter of time, M2 will:
a) go fully and inexplicably retarded on me after a few dates that, to my untrained eye, had seemed to be rather fabulous
b) expose himself as completely and utterly emotionally unavailable
c) blow smoke up my ass about wanting a relationship when all he wants is some action
d) fail to mention that he already has a girlfriend OR
e) all of the above

You know, the usual.

(Cynical much?)

More to come.


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