Tuesday, November 01, 2005

High Standards

From: 1speedisalluneed
Date received: November 1
Subject: Why is rabbit sex so quite.

Cotton balls.

That's right I used a dirty joke to get your attention. I know it's shameless. I could have been worse; like if told you the one about Frosty and the snow blower. So how recent are your pics? You know a lot can happen in 8 months. Like 50lbs or about 90% of a pregnancy. I'm not kidding. I work with a lot of Hispanic women and as soon as they get married, watch out.

A little about me, I have been referred to as fun, interesting and challenging(So what if it was my mother). I have high standards for myself and hold others to them as well. This ensures I'm surrounded my quality people who enhanced each others lives. I find the mind is the sexiest part of a woman. I'm not impressed with mere beauty alone, I am looking for someone that I can have deep and meaningful conversations.

What is your favorite kind of cheese?
Your dogs name?
What is the best adventure you have had recentley?

Seeing as we are both on here to meet someone it would be foolish for you to not right me back.

Have a great day, Doug

From: 1speedisalluneed
Date received: November 1
Subject: Thanks for your responce, Question?

Would you be so kind as you take a look at my profile and give me your honest feed back from a womans perspective. I'm new to this... Thanks again. Doug


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This answers why abortion is legal.

9:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It also shows why match.com needs spell check. Somehow the joke isn't quite as funny when rabbit sex is "quite."

12:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. It actually shows why match.com doesn't have spell check (or does it?). You can weed out the morons or at least those who don't proofread--and why would we date anyone who doesn't give attention to detail.

12:11 AM  

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