Bounty of Riches
From: Pluso
Date received: October 27
Subject: hello
how are u ? hope u good .
You have Nice Pic... Can i have UR msn if U want To more Conect
From: sman121
Date Received: October 26
how are you today? i am tired and bored all tied up in one! i never herd back from you. blaine
From: bsh785
Date Received: October 24
Subject: Hi
I like your profile and photo can you tell me more about yourself my name is benjamin Great smile
From: mmjroe
Date Received: October 24
Subject: Hi there!
To bad we don't match acording to your response back to me. But I understand But I still thing you are a very pretty lady! Mark Good luck and thanks for being honest!
From: kanatomical
Date Received: October 23
Subject: Hi there
I'm writing you for a friend of mine that is interested in is his profile user name (ageless71) he is 28 years old. He is not a member any longer but notice your profile and would like to get to know you.
His name is Justin. Thanks Ken
Wow, smrtygrl, who are these guys and why do they think it's ok to send emails like that without any thought or care for punctuation, grammar or general tone when communicating via written word? If Lola could read or speak, she would surely be as stunned as I am.
Well, *Anonymous*, now you're starting to see why perhaps online dating isn't the most romantic route to true love that a girl could possibly choose but its certainly expeditious from a filtering and screening standpoint!
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