Monday, November 21, 2005

I'd Quote En Vogue But Then The Title Would Be Just Far Too Long

Last night was date #2 with M2, consisting of the ever popular "we just started dating" combo of dinner and a movie.

At 6:15pm, I opened my front door to find a very tall man who was so well-dressed that I immediately felt compelled to rush into my bedroom to change out of what I'd, up until that very moment, thought was a totally appropriate ensemble for a second date on a Sunday night in my rather unfashionable mid-sized town. Sassy and casual yet sufficiently stylish to take me from any restaurant he might have selected all the way through a chilly movie theater with the possibility of some serious making out in between. Wrong. M2 rather unexpectedly forced me to step up my game last night. And happily so.

We were shown to our table and just as I started to slip off my coat, I noticed them. In a loose bundle next to the salt and pepper shakers. Flowers. Again. (Sigh)

We lingered so long at the restaurant that we never stood a chance of making the movie...the movie for which M2 had already purchased tickets. We're not talking Fandango, folks...he physically went to the box office before our date and had two actual tickets in his pocket. God, how I love a man with a plan.

In the end, we ended up settling for another flick that neither of us were too terribly excited about seeing. Good thing, that, 'cause neither of us saw too terribly much of it.

Then M2 drove me home. And even I can't believe what happened next.

I said goodnight to him in his car.
And went inside.

Date #3: tomorrow.


Blogger sarainitaly said...

Sounds like a very lovely date! Two questions - did you change your outfit, and what movie did you *see*?

7:51 AM  
Blogger smrtygrl said...

Okay, American Girl, how long have you know me? Of course I changed! We "saw" Good Night & Good Luck. :)

11:48 AM  

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