What Now?
Last night was date #1 with M2.
He brought me flowers.
And held my hand.
And told me I'm beautiful.
Like a million times.
And for the first time in what can really only be described at this point as a six month long exercise in total dating futility, I believe that I may actually have a man on my hands. Not a boy. A real, live, grown-up adult male.
This, of course, means that I have no clue what comes next or how to conduct myself. Normally, the second date is the point at which I regrettably fall head over heels or the boy in question begins the sometimes-slow-and-barely-detectable-yet-more-often-than-not-extremely-expeditious progression from a seemingly normal and totally dateable individual to a complete idiot.
Any suggestions?
N.B. If things ultimately end up going sideways with M2, I will officially be on hiatus for the 2005-06 holiday season. I know, I've said it now three times before (at least) and never stuck to my guns for more than like a few days at a time, so why should this hiatus endeavor be any different than the others? I'll tell you why. Three days ago, I hid my profile on the online dating site to remain nameless. Making myself invisible is the only surefire way to stop the inflow of email communiques from boys and/or men and/or, to my horror, even the occasional woman who thinks it would be cool if we could, like, hang out. Its really quite simple, the key to this whole going-on-a-break thing. No flow = no dates = seasonal hiatus.
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