Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Say Cheese

Date #3 with M2 last night. The poor fella had never experienced Thai food before (the completely homogeneous part of the country in which we live notwithstanding, how in the hell is that possible?!) so even if our pre-planned meal-time debate about creationism vs. evolution was ultimately going to render us completely unable to ever speak to one another again, at least the boy's culinary horizons would be expanded.

In the end, M2 not only appeared to very much enjoy his first foray into the realm of southeast asian cuisine, but also proved far more tolerant than expected, though as my friend G so succinctly put it, its a little disconcerting when a potential mate appears to be so entirely and wholly on board with what can only be described as a sneakily orchestrated maneuver executed by the doofus who currently runs our country to have religion taught in our public schools rather than, know...*science*! But, as they say, I digress...

After a fabulous meal, a couple of potent cocktails and some semi-inappropriate touching under the table, M2 drove me home. And as he very respectfully prepared to say goodnight to me in the car for the second consecutive occasion, he was granted the coveted invite.

And didn't leave 'til 2:30am.

Date #4, if all goes as planned, will be Saturday, upon my return from holiday travels.

Oh, and by the by, if you're out to dinner with, say, a very tall, well-dressed man who happens to have rather conservative political leanings...and after the plates are cleared, he pulls out his Sidekick and asks the closest fellow diners to take a photo of the two of you, that means he probably likes you, right?

Happy Tofurky Day, all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey--thanks for the reference! Just catching up on all the blog reading I've been missing out on lately, and while I'm still concerned about the leanings towards creationism, I have to say, I am impressed with M2's leanings towards chivalry. Feminism is glorious, but I still love a gentleman. Looking forward to the rest of my reading as well as the date #4 report!

9:22 PM  
Blogger smrtygrl said...

If I was even remotely tech-savvy, your reference would have been linked to your most fabulous blog, America's Next Top Novel! Anyway, as you've so keenly observed, M2 is nothing if not chivalrous, and amen to that. Date #4 report forthcoming!

1:25 PM  

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