Thursday, December 01, 2005


More than one inquiring mind is pressing for the latest M2 update, so despite a complete and utter lack of details (salacious or otherwise), here goes.

Date #6 last night, the results of which are as follows:

I like him and he's nice and he *really* likes me and he's still way tall and he gets on the floor with my dog to play with her and he claims to like everything about me including my eyes, smile, intellect, and wit and he almost fixed my broken deadbolt last night and he says he loves waking up with me and he thinks I weigh somewhere in the range of 95-105 lbs and he smells good and he says that he sees my face when he closes his eyes and he sits beside rather than across from me in casual dining restaurants and he wears a suit and tie to work every day which I think is super hot and he doesn't want to see other people.

(Okay, that last one might technically qualify as a "detail.")


Date #7: tomorrow.

N.B. At what point does it stop making sense to track each and every instance of seeing one another by assigning numerical properties to every date and, instead, for me to just suck it up and publicly acknowledge that we're officially dating (whatever that means), and as such, there will now be an indefinite, limitless number of outings, activities and whathaveyous with M2 which, in the end, sort of renders the whole counting thing rather dumb and quite moot?


Blogger sarainitaly said...

I love that things are going so well. Although, I must say I am a little bummed...I loved reading about all the bad dates, and losers. hahaha JK

10:52 AM  
Blogger smrtygrl said...

Fear not, American Girl, I still have a cauldron bubbling over with countless stories of bad dates, dumb boys and unwise choices. Stay tuned!

10:55 AM  

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