Sunday, December 04, 2005

I Got Skills (And A Halfway Decent Photo)

On the heels of my mini-freakout vis a vis M2 and his crazy, premature and thus very scary amorous declarations, I decided just for shits to un-hide my online dating profile this afternoon to see if I've still got it.

Profile unhid: 11:55am
First wink received: 12:01pm
First email received: 12:13pm
First email received that makes me want to re-hide my profile: 12:25pm

From: onlylooking11
Date received: December 4
Subject: We met once?

Liked your profile. Especially the part about the job not just being a paycheck. I recently went back to teaching at [name removed] and I love it. Oddly enough, I think we met once in Trader Joe's. I told you you looked familiar (which I am still trying to place. I think it is [name removed]) and you told me you just move back after some time away. So we have actually had a very short conversation. Kinda wierd hugh?! Anyway, checkout my profile and get back to me if you have any interest. Michael

PS I love dogs and yours is very cute.


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