Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Three Birds In The Hand...(and I am *so* not finishing that adage)

I have at my disposal this evening not only my semi-frequent make-out companion otherwise known as J, the 26 year old, but also the 24 year old who "hit me up" a few weeks back via myspace with the irresistible offer of getting me tipsy (apparently via a game of flip cup, whatever the hell that is), letting my hair down, and losing my inhibitions while he's in town for a visit.

(I actually think he spelled it "loosing" but no matter. All women of a certain age know there's scientific evidence supporting the inverse relationship between the age and intelligence level of any given boy and his degree of desirability. I say, if they're dumb, at least let them be young.)

Thing is, while maybe seven or eight months ago, I'd have found it virtually impossible to believe that I could manage to date multiple people at once, let alone have my menu offerings at any given time include boys in their mid-20s, I could really give a rip right now either way.

Because two hours from now, M3's totally unexpected trek to my mid-sized town will come to a lusty, groping conclusion on my front porch.

Tonight will be our first face-to-face encounter since our much-anticipated and fan-freakin'-tastic reunion slash second date last week. And our first since he went to the very bad TMI place vis a vis his lingering swirl of emotions related to his breakup.

So, tonight, after we're done with the requisite initial-making-out portion of the evening, will we be able to regain our light and breezy footing despite having shared, divulged, proffered and admitted to feeling so much for one another so intensely, so soon?

And after we've inevitably failed in repeated efforts to leave the house to procure tangible sustenance, instead opting to lay in bed, limbs entwined, gazing nauseatingly into one another's eyes for another two to three hours, will we also be able to bite our respective tongues and somehow manage to not talk incessantly about his issues, how dangerous we both know it is to jump headlong into something so soon after the demise of his last relationship, and how that scares the living crap out of both of us?

[Lacing up the skates...]

Who the fuck cares, really?


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