Saturday, January 28, 2006

Fuckin' A, No!

Yesterday afternoon, long after M3 left my house under cover of darkness for a 9am meeting in his mid-sized city two hours north, something started to feel a little bit off. He had back to back to back meetings all day, this I knew, but when 1:30pm rolled around and he hadn't yet managed to find even a quick moment to send a "morning after slash I adore you" email, what started as a barely perceptible and easily deniable twinge of doubt and concern began its slow evolution into a case of official anxiety. Always the over-communicator, it was just totally and completely unlike him to be out of touch for this long. And particularly given the circumstances.

Fortunately, as I sat beside a good friend en route to a semi-spontaneous weekend getaway in the City by the Bay, I found myself focused instead on all that was good about the night before. Without a doubt (and with very little effort might I add) the sensation of being totally and completely smitten far outweighed any of my lingering concern that I hadn't heard a peep out of him. After all, we spent a truly wonderful evening together...after building our expectations up to a level that two mere mortals could only aspire to meet, let alone achieve. And we did a pretty damn fine job.

Plus, I made sure that he'd spend at least the first twenty to twenty-five minutes of his drive home recuperating from a big fat hard-on. We were going to fulfill our promise, I was sure of it.

But by the time I returned to the hotel from dinner last night and M3 was still nowhere to be found, I was no longer content to rationalize his absence in my inbox.

"Oh, he probably assumes you don't have email access from the hotel" my ass.

He finally resurfaced this morning. Via text message.

"Hi. Do you have email access? Its pouring."

Funny, didn't indicate that a shitstorm was blowing into town.

He knows he's an idiot for sending this to me.
But he spent three and a half hours with the ex-girlfriend last night.
He's not sure if he's done the right thing by letting her go.
Going into their meeting, he was 99% sure but now he's only at 75%.
But he had a wonderful time with me the other night and thinks the possibilities for us are limitless.
And he wants to see me again as soon as possible.
Yet isn't sure if we should keep our plans to see one another tomorrow when I return home.
Because maybe it'd be best to wait until he's officially moved out.
He doesn't know what he's feeling.
His brain is mushy.
He hopes this email isn't too much of a downer.
And that I'm having a great time.

Oh, and with my relationship smarts, can I help him figure things out.



Blogger sarainitaly said...

NOOO! Why oh why oh why are men so weird! i swear to god, they are such babies. (not my husband, of course) hehe

I hope things work out. Sorry he is an idiot (unless of course he decides you are the one, then he is wonderful) but until then, he is an idiot.

11:45 AM  

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