Friday, January 20, 2006

This Explains A Lot

Rather than put my nose to the grindstone this afternoon to earn the taxpayer dollars that fairly generously pay my salary, instead I took some dumb online IQ test only to learn that, despite what my mom's been saying for 30-something years, I'm not so smart after all.

Actually, I did just fine on three out of four categories. Including math! And, I've decided that my poor showing on the fourth and final dimension isn't so much a shortcoming, instead its scientific evidence (albeit a bit shady in the credibility department) to support/explain/justify any and all future poor life choices I may make in the dating milieu. Clearly I'm challenged in this arena.

Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average
Your General Knowledge is Above Average
Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

And speaking of smarts, the only reason I even have time for this post is because S just phoned to very courteously advise me of his pending tardiness due to flooding. If half of my state wasn't currently underwater, I'd be dubious. Instead, I find myself swooning just a little bit. Because in spite of the fact that he has the worst, most offensive and horrid Boston accent ever, swears like every sixth word, generally only dates 20-something blondes, frequently can't spell worth shit, and is far, far too interested in my outward appearance, his mama raised him right.

A boy with manners gets me every damn time.

Plus, M3's not single 'til tomorrow around noon.


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