Saturday, February 04, 2006

'Hawks By 7

M3 has started telling his friends about us.

Well, okay...thus far its just *one* friend. But given the circumstances at the time of our very first meeting (for those of you late to the proverbial party, said circumstances involved a cohabitation-with-girlfriend scenario), and given that those very same circumstances tragically remained in place for the first however-many-weeks of our pseudo-courtship, who can blame the guy for being a little reserved and apprehensive about cluing his friends in on the fact that, in what has to be a land speed record for re-coupling, he's already managed to become one half of an entirely new and different "us," thereby making him like the biggest philanderer ever.

I don't actually believe he's a super huge philanderer, I just think that's perhaps the most unintentionally hilarious word ever derived for a condition that, at its core, is really quite despicable. But whether or not M3 was technically cheating on his girlfriend by going on what amounted to little more than a blind date with me and then, in the weeks that followed, corresponding perhaps a little less blindly on what seemed at times to be an almost hourly basis while he waited for her to get back into town so he could dump her ass and move out is not the basis for this post. (Though feel free to discuss amongst yourselves and/or comment liberally below.)

In other related news, M3 has officially closed the book on his transitional housing phase, having moved in to his new pad yesterday.

This is good.

On the other hand, he and the ex-girlfriend will be partaking in the same Superbowl activities tomorrow. And to the best of my knowledge, he is actually picking her up and they're going to the venue together.

This is bad. In theory.

In reality, I don't really give a damn. Because, starting Wednesday, I get to fall asleep in M3's arms for four straight nights, wake up to his goofy smile for four straight mornings, log countless hours of hot hotel room action (here's hoping!) and introduce him to *my* friends at various points in between.

So, unlike last weekend, when M3's email admission that he wasn't dealing with post-breakup fallout quite as well as he'd initially surmised nearly ruined what had been an otherwise perfectly lovely afternoon in San Francisco..and even unlike the very next day on the phone when he admitted to the joint football-watching and carpooling plans and I was quite positive in that moment that if I stood up too quickly, I'd find my stomach and quite possibly other innards deposited on the floor beside my handbag...

His agenda tomorrow now doesn't really bother me all that much.

The doubts I'd been having about whether he was anywhere even remotely ready to consider possibly maybe getting into something serious with me have started to slowly but surely fall away. Not completely (because I'm not a stupid idiot) but they've dissipated immensely. And I'm pretty sure I know why.

'Cause the cat's out of the bag that there's an "us."

And he's finally out of his ex-girlfriend's house.

And while it may just be one friend for the time being and M3 put an end to the actual relationship weeks ago, what can I say?

I'm a stickler for details.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just one of those things. Boy and girl re-hook up and hang out - pleasantly and mutually enjoyably, but clearly without bells, explosions, or wedding music ringing in either's ears - a casual and thoroughly gratuitous relationship if ever there was, predictably only capable of lasting until boy or girl finds (or both find) something (someone) more meaningful to do (be with).
You've got yours, clearly, and I, though I'm not exactly looking for meaning, have always got other things to do. Even supposing you wanted to, I don't want to interfere with your growing romance: you're an 'us' now, or coming to be, and 'us' shouldn't be combined with any extraneous 'he' or 'she' that happens to be near. It's volatile practice to contradict that rule, and I prefer not to play with fire. Call me boring.
It was pleasant though. Especially the grilled cheese and laundry.
- J

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